A Tale of Taiwan's Legendary Heroine
【演出簡介 Introduction】
With several Makatao girls gone missing, the disheartened tribal chief turns to the witch Jin-niang for help. Jin-niang replies that she herself alone cannot solve the mysterious disappearances and must seek support from Lin Shuang-wen, the head of Tiandihui (Heaven and Earth Society) and rebel leader against the Imperial Qing government. Lin offers to help find the missing girls in return for Jin-niang’s assistance to train the Makatao troops and seize Fengshan City. After successfully conquering a few cities in Taiwan, Lin declares himself emperor and completely forgets about his promise to save the Makatao girls. Disappointed, Jin-niang leaves the army. As the news of Lin’s claim to the throne reaches Qing Emperor Qianlong, the infuriated emperor sends the Governor of Shanxi and Gansu to vanquish Lin. Eventually, Lin is captured alive and Jin-niang is asked to surrender in exchange for the release of the Makatao girls. To save the girls, Jin-niang agrees. When the girls return to the tribe, Jin-niang disappears and no one sees her again…
【演出團隊 Artists】
古都木偶戲劇團Goodoo Studio
創立於2010年,深植臺南這塊擁有多元與深厚人文歷史的土地,「傳統、創新、傳承」為其經營理念,致力於開發在地故事、紮根地方、推廣布袋戲文化,保留先人的故事與傳統技藝,讓民眾深入認識臺灣的文化。2014年《府城傳奇 淨海狼煙》入選臺南藝術節,分別於臺南延平郡王祠及大南門演出,融合環境劇場形式,備受好評。
Goodoo Studio was founded in 2010 in Tainan, a city known for its ancient history and multiculturism. Our goal is to keep traditions alive, pass them down while bringing in innovation. We are dedicated to discovering local stories, promoting the Taiwanese glove puppetry and preserving the folklore as well as the traditional crafts in order to demonstrate Taiwanese culture to the public. In 2014, our highly acclaimed environmental theatre production, The War in 1683, was selected for the Tainan Arts Festival and performed at the Koxinga Shrine and the Great South Gate.
Creative advisor: YAO Li-chun