
Theater Terra“Guess How Much I Love You”

■ 演出簡介

本作改編自全球暢銷圖畫書《猜猜我有多愛你》(Guess How Much I Love You),流暢的操偶、生動的文字,勾勒親子及人際相處間自然的關愛,以及對生活的滿足感恩。



Theater Terra presents “Guess How Much I Love You,” based on the well-known books by Sam McBratney and Anita Jeram.

Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Nutbrown Hare love each other very much. But love is not always an easy thing to measure. During spring, summer, autumn and winter, Little Nutbrown Hare tries to tell something very important to Big Nutbrown Hare: Guess how much I love you?

After this adventure, Little Nutbrown Hare wants to sleep. Big Nutbrown Hare carefully puts him to bed in the ferns. While Big Nutbrown Hare lies close to Little Nutbrown Hare, he whispers: I love you to the moon… and back!

■ 演出團隊簡介

來自荷蘭的大地劇團(Theater Terra)成立四十餘年,以製作兒童及親子音樂劇為主,其作品於世界巡迴演出無數。

劇團作品於荷蘭親子兒童劇場擁有重要一席之地,其擅長結合偶劇、音樂創作以及創意發想的道具設計,成為演出的重要核心成分。2016年,大地劇團獲選為荷蘭文化百大藝術家(NRC Cultuur Top 100),是荷蘭文化輸出國際的重要指標團隊。

大地劇團巡演足跡擴及歐洲各國、美加、澳洲及亞洲,每年有超過8萬名觀眾進場欣賞劇團作品。《小波歡樂農場》(Spot)改編自艾瑞克.希爾(Eric Hill)繪本作品,自2013年起展開世界巡演,足跡擴及4大洲7個國家,至2018年始完成所有巡迴演出。2018年起,劇團展開新的巡演計畫,《亞瑟王》(King Arthur)將前往美加巡演;《猜猜我有多愛你》則將進行亞洲的巡迴。

Theater Terra is a theater company from the Netherlands, in existence for 40 years. The company creates children’s theater and family musicals and performs these throughout the world.

The company is one of the leaders in the Dutch theatrical market for children’s and family entertainment. In all productions of the company, the use of puppetry, music and inventive set designs are the central part of the show. In 2016, Theater Terra was listed in the NRC Cultuur Top 100, as one of the most important exporters of Dutch culture around the world.

Currently the company is touring in the Netherlands, Belgium, the United States, Canada, China and Australia. Every year, more than 80,000 audience members watch a show produced and performed by Theater Terra. The show “Spot,” based on the books by Eric Hill, is presented on a worldwide tour from 2013 to 2016 and from 2018 onwards, with performances in 7 countries on 4 continents. From 2018, the new show “King Arthur” will start touring in the United States and Canada, and “Guess How Much I Love You” will start performing in Asia.

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