Tainan Symphonic Band"The Sound of Wind"
■ 演出簡介
Tainan Symphonic Band will perform the works from well-known Taiwanese composers like Ma Shui-Long, Zhong Yao-Guang, and Li Zhe-Yi. Local people will become more familiar with the music from local composers through the performance. We look forward to enhancing and glorifying the art value of Taiwan music, upgrading the humane spirit of Taiwan local culture, and the international fame of Tainan Arts Festival.
■ 演出團隊簡介
The predecessor of Tainan Symphonic Band is Nanying Symphonic Band which is founded in 2004. Upholding the spirit for popularizing music, it has many performances and events for past 11 years. It is renamed as Tainan Symphonic Band in June 2015.
The director is Ye Ze-Shan, the director of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government, and professor Wang Xiu-Tian is the executive director. Professor Wu Zheng-Zhe who has rich experiences in orchestra is the art director. Professor Lu Shou-Ren and Huang Yao-De are the permanent conductors and also in charge of the training. The group members are mainly the band music teachers who work in Tainan area, and others are people who have specialty in playing instrument and students of music department. The object of Tainan Symphonic Band is to expand band music teaching resources in Tainan area, elevate the appreciation level, and build up the communication platform of band music.
The band resides in Xinhua Auditorium without any payment. It is based on the idea of music education, elevating music culture in Taiwan, promoting delicate music performing art, improving art humanities in campus, cultivating the appreciation of music, and spreading the seeds of delicate music.
■ 演出資訊
■ 演出資訊洽詢
電話:06-2692864 #505
■ 索票點
售票時程請至各售票網查詢 (開演10天前索票)
新化演藝廳5907609(活動當日索票)∕新化郵局5902061、5907892∕雅藝河合音樂教室 5800993∕楊逵文學紀念館5908865∕新化區圖書館5902685∕新化老街咖啡5909800∕新化鴻志書局5984089∕新化康寧書局5987723∕新化區公所5905009∕新化區農會5902400∕新化地政事務所5974823/新化戶政事務所5903978/虎頭埤風景區5901325/真美照相館5907752