台灣藝術家交響樂團《古城四部曲 – 台南音樂DNA排序創新展演》

Taiwan Artists Symphony Orchestra"Old Town Tetralogy"

■ 演出簡介




With a breakthrough spirit and the concept of environmental theater, Taiwan Artists Symphony Orchestra makes performing arts enter into a brand new level. The Orchestra not only "recreates" 12 songs from the classics of Taiwan and Tainan folk songs, but also presents them via an interactive way.  What is more, the audiences who successfully match the Tainan Music DNA Sequence can receive a gift!

There are four sections in this performance, which are "Varied Cultures", "Landscapes and Scenery", "Land and Production " as well as "Modern Society and Industry". Firstly, "Varied Cultures " part traces back the sophisticated origins of Tainan ancestry. Secondly, "Landscapes and Scenery" part narrates the majestic landscapes and scenery of Tainan. Thirdly, "Land and Production "part states that Tainan is a land full of agricultural products. At last, "Modern Society and Industry" part presents the transformation of Taiwan society.

■ 演出團隊簡介

 作曲家/吳睿然、李哲藝、呂景民 指揮/郭韻琛 樂團/台灣藝術家交響樂團、東光國小弦樂團、佳里國小管弦樂團


  台灣藝術家交響樂團結合本國優秀音樂家以堅實的演奏實力,構想出契合當代論述、人與土地為主軸之純音樂與跨領域製作,以達到感動聽眾之終極目標。成立迄今除推出各場大型展演,受到各縣市政府及民間邀請至各地演奏,同時持續與國際接軌,邀請國際知名音樂家與樂團共同演出,例如:指揮家Pyoung-Yong Lim (韓),小提琴家Laurent Korcia (法)、Pascal Monlong (法),中提琴家Massimo Paris (義),大提琴家Pierre Cordier (法),鋼琴家David Violi (法)等。除了為台灣觀眾帶來高品質的演出,樂團曾赴歐洲等地演出,服務更多的愛樂人,並開拓台灣的良好形象。

With solid performance experiences, Taiwan Artists Symphony Orchestra and many Taiwan outstanding musicians conceive interdisciplinary productions which fit in contemporary discourse of human and land. The ultimate goal is to make the audiences feel fully involved and being emotionally touched.

Since establishment, Taiwan Artists Symphony Orchestra has been invited by officials as well as locals and made many large-scale performances. In addition, it continually participates in the international society and welcomes many world-famous musicians to join the performances, such as Korean conductor Pyoung-Yong Lim, French violinist Laurent Korciato, French violinist Pascal Monlong, Italian violist Massimo Paris, French cellist Pierre Cordier, French pianist David Violi 

Besides bringing high quality performances to Taiwan audiences, Taiwan Artists Symphony Orchestra has been to many European countries. This action not only serves more music lovers but also helps Taiwan make a good impression on international society. 

■ 演出資訊


■ 演出資訊洽詢


