InTW Studio“Are you happy?Norah”
■ 演出簡介
2016年首演於臺北藝穗節,選擇前身為仁安醫院的臺北市社區營造中心,獲當年「藝穗亮心心」佳作獎。隨即獲邀於大稻埕國際藝術節的納豆劇場演出。2017年6月於保加利亞古蹟老屋House of Veren Stambolyan拍攝此作影片。
‘Are you happy, Norah?’ is adapted from The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. The newborn infant of David and his wife Norah has Down’s Syndrome. David decides to give this infant away to nurse Caroline and to lie to his wife that the infant has died. Since then David is overwhelmed by Norah’s depression, and keeps asking the nurses for news of his little girl …
This piece, sponsored by Taipei Community Empowerment Network, won the Fringe Bright Heart Thumbs Up! Awards in the Taipei Fringe Festival. The group was afterwards invited to perform at the Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts. In 2017 the show was filmed at the house of Veren Stambolyan in Bulgaria.
This time this play will be performed in a newly-renovated old house, Inart Space. The actors will walk around in this two-story building while performing this show, with the addition of a new element, a local street food ‘ponkan cake with sesame oil egg,’ In this show three different characters will dance distinctively, leading the audience to discover the feebleness, hardness and courage behind all these secrets, betrayals, and separations. The audience, like detectives, will finally find out the origin of the story.
■ 演出團隊簡介
2015年夏季回台後,INTW積極參與台灣演出製作,並邀請編舞者/舞者林春輝加入團隊。包括連續三年獲邀大稻埕國際藝術節演出,演出作品《AMA》、《快樂嗎?諾拉》以及《四氣五味》。2016年獲得文化部藝術新秀首次創作發表補助,與黑潮海洋文教基金會合作,於花蓮牛山呼庭海灘演出環境地景創作《52 HERTZ》。2017年此作品入選台南藝術節城市舞台系列,於安平區觀夕平台黃金海岸演出。2017年首度以《Before Sunrise》獲選入保加利亞『The Black Box International Festival』,於六月出國至Plovdiv普羅夫迪夫演出。
After they moved back to Taiwan in 2015, Chun-Hui, Lin was invited to join InTW Studio as a choreographer and dancer. Later, InTW Studio presented their work in “Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts” for three consecutive years(2015-2017), “Taipei Fringe Festival”(2016), “Tainan Arts Festival”(2017,2018) and “The Black Box International Festival” in Bulgaria (2017).
■ 演出資訊
■ 演出資訊洽詢
電話: 02-25504800/0909-201560